
What to Expect from Your Annual Gynecological Check Up

Having an annual gynecological checkup is essential to staying healthy as a woman. They can be nerve-wracking if you’ve never had one and you don’t know what to expect, so a little research beforehand can help put your mind at ease during your exam.

Having an annual gynecological checkup is essential to staying healthy as a woman. They can be nerve-wracking if you’ve never had one and you don’t know what to expect, so a little research beforehand can help put your mind at ease during your exam. Here is what you should expect at your annual gynecological checkup in The Woodlands.

Start of the Appointment

At the beginning of the appointment, your doctor will discuss your eating and exercise habits, menstrual cycle, and sexual activity. Be honest when answering questions so your doctor can test for the right things and help you in the best way possible.

Breast Exam

Your ob-gyn will check for problems and possible disorders during your appointment, and your breasts are a potential source of issues. If there’s anything out of the ordinary, early detection and treatment is key.

For your breast exam, the doctor will feel for lumps or any irregularities, as well as show you how to perform self-exams regularly. Women over the age of 35 will usually be encouraged to get a mammogram screening to check for breast cancer.

Pelvic Exam

For the pelvic exam, you will lie on the exam table with your legs apart. The doctor will examine the exterior and interior of your genitals, again checking for irregularities. You may also get a Pap smear, where the doctor will take a sample of your cervical cells to check for cervical cancer, STIs, or vaginal infections. A Pap smear isn’t always part of an annual exam, but is recommended every few years.

During breast and pelvic exams, you will never be alone in the room with your doctor. The ob-gyn will always be accompanied by a nurse or assistant.

After the exam, don’t hesitate to ask any questions you thought of beforehand or that crossed your mind during your appointment. While it may not be the most comfortable situation, a gynecological checkup in The Woodlands is essential to maintaining good and complete health.